Whiplash in Car Accidents
Good to know stuff about whiplash! Pay special attention to the last panel and use your magnifier if needed. I especially liked the tip about leaving a safe following distance. Make a note right now to adjust your headrest to create a minimum distance between it and your head.
If you were in an accident, see a chiropractor experienced in treatment of auto accident injuries as soon as possible. Do not wait until the pain subsides. You will be treated thoughtfully regarding your delicate and freshly injured state! Waiting until later allows pain patterns to become more established and more difficult to resolve.
Drs. Levin and Chellen are experienced auto accident injury chiropractors. We specialize in treating soft tissue injuries. These may include whiplash, shoulder pain, clavicle pain (collar bone), side and rib pain, low back pain, hip, knee, and ankle pain.
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Dr. Sharon Levin and Dr. Nels Chellen
Levin and Chellen Chiropractic
(952) 474-1777
Chiropractor for Minnetonka and the Minneapolis Metro Community